How To Apply
The Foundation encourages those seeking support to:
1. Review the following checklist first to ensure eligibility.
Is your organization a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency or a qualified donee as identified by the Canada Revenue Agency?
Does your initiative fit with the foundation’s funding approach?
Does your initiative fall explicitly within one of our four funding areas?
2. If you have answered yes to all of the above, please click here to apply.
Our Selection Process
Letter of Inquiry: Foundation staff will review the information contained in the Letter of Inquiry with respect to the foundation’s funding areas, granting approach and available resources. Pending the results of this review, the foundation may request a full proposal.
Proposal: This phase is typically very interactive, with the foundation and the applicant working together to ensure the proposal information is complete.
External Review: Proposals are then submitted to an independent external review. Our practice is to seek input on the project from experts and key stakeholders in the field, including other funding bodies. We request confidentiality when submitting proposal for review, and we share the comments with the applicant. We may also share the comments with other funders.
Board Consideration: Proposals are presented to the Foundation’s Board of Directors who make the final funding decision.
* Note that a decline is possible at any stage in the application process.