What We Fund

Carthy Foundation supports Canadian registered charities or other qualified donees as identified by the Canada Revenue Agency.  Only initiatives that align with our granting approach, and fall within one of our four funding areas are eligible for funding. 


Funding Approach

The Foundation gives priority to initiatives that:

  • Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the issue and the broader context, and have a strong case for support.

  • Are strategic in their approach, aiming to address the complexity of the issue and to have impact beyond immediate delivery.

  • Have national or broad regional implications, or have the potential for broad regional or nation-wide replication.  Where an initiative is regional in scope, preference is given to Western provinces.

  • Are led by organizations that are well-managed, effective and leaders in their field, results oriented and committed to examining outcomes, willing to freely share knowledge and resources among stakeholders, and dedicated to advancing policy and practice.

Funding Priorities

Urban Environmental Sustainability

Initiatives that advance ecosystem-based adaptation to increase resilience and reduce vulnerability to flooding, drought, fire and other extreme events in Canada’s urban areas. Ecosystem-based adaptations are nature-based solutions that conserve, enhance, manage and integrate ecosystem features and processes. Examples include urban interface wildfire management, green infrastructure, ecological design, and wetland and floodplain management. Priority will be given to initiatives that are solutions-oriented; aim to advance research, knowledge and dissemination; advance adoption and implementation; and seek multi-sectoral collaborations and diverse project partners.

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture

Initiatives that advance regenerative agricultural practices and supportive public policies to improve environmentally sustainable agriculture. Priority will be given to rural, land-based agricultural initiatives in the Prairies (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba) and Canada’s North (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut) that are solutions-oriented; aim to advance research, knowledge transfer, implementation and communication of regenerative practices; seek cross-sector collaborations including working directly with producers; and have impact beyond the immediate delivery site.

Transitions to Employment for Youth and Young Adults

Initiatives will have a primary focus on connecting the supply and demand side of youth employment, with supply representing youth and youth-serving agencies, and demand representing employers. These will demonstrate an integrated approach with employers involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of initiatives. Priority will be given to initiatives in Alberta and Saskatchewan, and that focus on youth not currently in employment, education, or training.

Young Adult Entrepreneurship

Initiatives will contribute to communities where young adult entrepreneurs have the awareness, attitudes, skills, and supports to grow and thrive. Projects will have a primary focus on supporting young adults (ages 18-34) across a range of entrepreneurship stages, including exposure to entrepreneurship, skills development, start-up, early development, and maturity.  Priority will be given to initiatives that aim to strengthen the sector, improve policy and practice, create strategic partnerships, test new approaches or scale successful practices. This funding program is national in scope.

Granting Term

The Foundation typically provides grants only for term-specific initiatives, with a maximum granting period of 5 years. 

Types of Initiatives Funded

  1. Feasibility and project design grants: These support the applicant to further explore a project idea, seek input from stakeholders, develop key partnerships, identify risk and assumptions, determine anticipated outcomes and develop a full project implementation plan.

  2. Pilot and demonstration projects: These support the initial testing of new approaches to assess interest, suitability, and potential impact.

  3. Scaling out of proven approaches to new jurisdictions or fields of practice.

  4. Applied research that advances policy and practice in our funding areas.

What We Do Not Fund

The Foundation does not support the following:

  • General fundraising campaigns

  • Ongoing program delivery

  • Small-scale projects with limited scope

  • Outdoor recreation

  • Environmental education programs

  • Capital campaigns

  • Conferences

  • Legal challenges

  • Film and media development

  • Endowments and Chairs

  • Graduate research, bursaries, or scholarships

  • Projects delivered outside of Canada

  • Individuals

Note:  Carthy Foundation may, from time to time, make trustee-directed donations that fall outside our regular guidelines.  These are proactive in nature, and the Foundation does not consider unsolicited proposals to our Board Directors.